E-port 2

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Second Quarter E-Portfoilio


In this quarter. I learned quite a lot in TLE-ICT 9. I learned the different types of css, the different types of selectors, and more! Pseudo-classes and more. I prefer paired hands-ons since I get to collaborate with my pair and we can share different opinions on how to code the activity better and much faster. I like Ms. U's class since we can eat (lol) and thank you for that Ms!! From my last quarter, I think I still have to improve on my written works and performance tasks. I need to have a high score in this periodical test or I am sure I will get a low grade. I gained tons of new skills in digital literacy like coding. The Hands-ons really helped me to understand the lessons and learning materials really well because I get to do the coding that the lesson was explaining and demonstrating.